- 100% Original Mesh Product
Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, TMP
This product is sold in single color options,
and one Fatpack with exclusive colors.
Individual Packs include two Fabric Options
as shown in Advert.
100% Original Mesh Product
Maitreya, Belleza, Slink
Two Shades of Color you Choose
Individual Pack - Two Shades of Color you Choose,
HUD to control the colors of the buttons
Fat Pack - 24 Fabric Colors,
HUD to control the colors of the buttons
100% Original Mesh Product
Gianni, Jake, Adam, David, Slink
45 Denim Options in Fatpack
16 Belt Colors / 6 Belt Buckle Metals
15 Colors with Clean - Faded - Dirty Options
15 Individual Colors Available as a Single Purshase Option
Signature, Slink, Adams,
Belleza, Nardcotix
100% Original Mesh Product
Customization HUD
50 Colors in Fat Pack
5 Shades in Single Packs
Tucked and Untucked Versions Included