jueves, 30 de junio de 2016

[AMARELO MANGA] - Francesca Set

 Francesca Set
Fitmesh, Maitreya, Belleza & Slink bodies 
Sandals Mid Slink Feet
Sunglasses & Bag

[[ Masoom ]] Sahara outfit for Uber Event

[[ Masoom ]] 
Sahara outfit
 Is 100 % original mesh and textures.
 Fitted for Maitreya,  Slink physique, Slink hourglass mesh bodies .
 Available in 5  beautiful rich patterns
 Tops and skirts sold separately.
Fatpacks have all colors available through HUD. 
Outfit has materials Enabled. 
June 25th to July 23th.

miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016


 *Material Girl Appliers Bag*
10 Pantones HUD
Applier for Maitreya, Slink, 
Belleza and Omega Systems Layer.

 *Cover Me Appliers Bag*
10 Pantones HUD
Applier for Maitreya, Slink, 
Belleza and Omega Systems Layer.

martes, 28 de junio de 2016

[[Masoom]] Jocelyn dress

Jocelyn dress
For Maitreya & Slink Bodies
Available at 

Chop Zuey - Mblieu, Mblieu, Mblieu Set

  Mblieu, Mblieu, Mblieu
Texture Change Mega Pack Set Include:
Necklace, Bracelets, Claw Bracelets,
Earrings, Earrings Cuffs, Eyebrows &
Headdress small and large

domingo, 26 de junio de 2016


5 Standard sizes, 5 Standard sizes (fitted) 
Compatible with ebody, maitreya, slim eve, 
eve pulpy, hourglass and physique
hud 20 textures 
Unrigged, maitreya, belleza
slink, ebody, eve
hud with multiple textures and 
resize menu (unrigged only) 

Chop Zuey - The Dirty Shepherdess Set

  "The Dirty Shepherdess Set"
Necklace, 2 Bracelets & Earrings
Texture Change Set Included.


sábado, 25 de junio de 2016

.:JUMO:. Fashion for Ferosh - Olivia Gown

 Olivia Gown
 The gown with bare shoulders is the great equalizer, 
the very definition of a wardrobe staple, 
chic, elegant and very sexy. 
The entire outfit and jewelry are original mesh by June Monteiro.

Only at
Ferosh Fashion Weekend - Summer 2016
June 24th  to 26th.

Ghee SS16 for Ferosh FW Event

Ghee SS16
 *Tailored Suit SERENITY
Top, Blazer, Pants and Skirt
Classic, Fitmesh, Maitreya and Slink
6 colors
*Chunky Jewellery Set
Bangles single/pair
Beads and Earrings 
Color Hud
* Summer Bloom Hat
Texture Hud in Fatpack
and Brooch bonus
*Signature Sandals Punched
Slink High Heels
6 colors

  for Ferosh Event
June 24th to 26th.

viernes, 24 de junio de 2016

Ghee SS16 Jumpsuit at Ferosh FW

Ghee SS16
6 Colors to Choose, 5 Classic Sizes
will be on sale EXCLUSIVELY 
at the Ferosh FW retail area from 
June 24th to 26th.

jueves, 23 de junio de 2016

[AMARELO MANGA] Carol Strap & Rezology Butterfly

Carol Strap Dress
Classic, Fitmesh and Maitreya, 
Belleza, Slink Bodymesh 
5 Textures to Choose
Slink Mid Sandals, Bag,
Sunglasses with Texture Hud

Butterfly 086 (mesh hair)
Color Hud Included

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016

Ch's Creations & Rezology

For Mesh and Classic Bodies
Color Change Hud
High Heels
Maitreya, Slink, Belleza 
Color Change Hud

(mesh hair)
Rigged and Fitted
Hair Hud Included

Chop Zuey - Nitty Ka Set

Nitty Ka 
Texture Change Set
5 necklaces, Earrings & Bracelets

martes, 21 de junio de 2016